Red Velvet Hot Chocolate, my new fave!
Sadie's new hat.
Sadie's new helmet:)
I'm loving this print "Wee Little Town", especially the little ice cream truck. For those of you who don't know, my hubby has worked for Dreyer's Grand Ice cream, now Nestle D.S.D, for 12 1/2 years. Ice cream is kind of a big deal in our home. I think this would look really sweet in Sergey's(who we affectionately call Sarge) room:)
Silly girl
Thank you for all the sweet comments about our adoption and for those of you who have donated, it is greatly appreciated. God has been an amazing provider throughout the whole process. For example, I had to call the records department two days ago because there was a problem with getting my birth certificate. I talked to a very sweet lady who was determined to get the problem fixed for me. She was able to get it all worked out, but I was thinking I was now going to have to wait that much longer for it to come in the mail. Which would mean that I would have to wait longer to get my passport. I kept telling myself it's all in God's perfect timing. Well as I was getting into the car to take the kid's to school this morning the UPS guy drove up and delivered them to me. Perfect timing! I was so excited and relieved, thank you God! We also sent out our fingerprints to the FBI as well as tons of other paperwork, things are moving right along. We ask for your continued prayer throughout this process. We are also trying to raise more funds and have a few fundraising ideas up our sleeves. If anyone has any ideas we'd love to hear them! I hope your Friday was a happy one, have a good weekend and a good night.
Red Velvet Hot Chocolate?? Woah, that sounds amazing. :)