Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Munchies with Mom

Today I got to go to Madi's Pre-K class for Munchies with Mom:)  It was super sweet and lovingly prepared by each child for their mommies.  The teachers, Amy and Kayla as well as many helpers, did a wonderful job of putting this event together.  The attention to detail was right up this lady's alley:)  We were surprised with a lovely table setting and these lovely hats each made specifically by the children to their mommies.  Madi's was precious, I loved it!

Then all the children came out and sang a few songs to us.  So sweet!

Each child then said something that they loved about their mommy.  Madi said, "I love my Mom because she gives me good food!"  That is so something Madi would say, she asks me at least, AT LEAST, 40 times a day for something to eat.  They then gave us a gift of a beautiful handmade necklace that I forgot to get a picture of:(

Me and my little lady:)

We dined on blueberry muffins, chocolate covered strawberries, crackers and pretzels.

We had such a wonderful time and Madi was so proud of everything she made.  Thank you to Amy and Kayla for putting this together, it is now a very special memory for me and Madi:)

1 comment:

  1. Ooh La La! I love the hat! You two are absolutely B E A U T I F U L! I can't wait to eat blueberry muffins with you again!
    Love you guys!
    Mom (Renee)


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