Sunday, May 2, 2010

Sorry for the delay people, I was catching up on season 3 of "Lost" and then my computer has been really slow so I haven't been in the blogging mood. But I am back now and as for the rest of my days in AZ I didn't take anymore pics because it was pretty much just shopping and eating at favorite restaurants and who really wants to see me eating? But I would like to ask for your prayer in a very important decision we are trying to make for our family. I'm not pregnant, I know that's what you were all wondering:) I'm not going to say what it is just yet, but I would ask specifically that you would pray for Ash. That God would give him discernment and wisdom, and to know without any question what God is calling him to do. For me, that I would be patient as Ash is waiting on the Lord, to live for each day and not try to figure out every single detail with this situation. To just let it be, to let God work and to let it unfold in His timing. It has been an exciting time, but also a time of questioning and reflection, we just so want to do His will and not our own. It would be greatly appreciated!


  1. Praying for you all. Even if I won't like the answer. ;)

  2. I want you to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. I do know that if you are both seeking the guidance of the Lord He will give you bothe the same mind. You will both have peace about your future in His time.
    I love you all.


Always happy to hear from you!

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