Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Just another day
So it's been a pretty average week in the life of the Farley's. I had to take Tatum to the doctor today because yesterday she swallowed a piece from one of her games. I have no idea why! It was a little plastic chip that she uses for her bingo game, no bigger than a nickel and very thin. It wasn't really anything to worry about, it was more for precaution. They took an x-ray and couldn't see anything, the doctor said it would pass fine. He said that he has seen open safety pins pass through a child's system just fine, can you imagine! So anyways just another day, the weather has been really nice, it's funny because the temperature in the morning is between 45 and 50 degrees, and you just need a long sleeve shirt and maybe a sweatshirt. But back home in the desert when it's that temperature I remember freezing my tookus off(and by the way I have no idea if that's how you spell that). So anyways in spite of a missing bingo chip all is well!
Friday, September 21, 2007
Unibrows and Crushes
Hey everyone, I know it's been a couple of days since I've written. I hope everyone is well! We miss you all a ton and hope this blog has been fun for everyone to visit. Thanks for the comments from some of you about the blog, it's the only way I know if anyone's reading it. We were thinking we would be coming home in October but that is looking pretty slim, since Ash has had a couple of guys leave Dreyer's. One guy quit which was a huge blessing and the other guy went on to pursue a career in which he has a degree in. So Ash will have to cover for them until he gets someone hired for their positions. Hopefully it won't be too long. So we are sorry that we won't be able to see you for a while. I'm also sorry that I won't be able to have some good Mexican food, they just don't have very good Mexican restaurants up here. I could make Mexican food better than some of these places and that's not saying much. Let's just say thank goodness Ash loves me for me and not my cooking. And I'm sorry I won't be able to see Tyler play football. We miss you Tyler!!!! So anyways, I've started my jewelry business up again, I'm having a party in a few weeks here at our house to get things going so please pray that everything goes well and that I get off to a good start. The kids are doing well, but Tatum had an accident the other day. She tripped over the dog and hit her forehead on the window sill right between the eyes. Poor thing, she looks like she has a unibrow, but she is one tough cookie I'll give her that. The picture doesn't do it justice, it's turned a deep red since I took this picture and it looks like one continuous eyebrow.
It all happened in slow motion for me and she hit it so hard I thought for sure she was knocked out, but she got up a little teary eyed and basically shrugged it off. I know it had to hurt from the looks of it and she has a pretty nasty bump, which is still kind of tender to the touch, but she is doing just fine. She has always been a tough kid even when she was a baby and I'd take her to get her immunizations, she never cried. It always made those appointments a lot easier on mom that's for sure. And Prestin is doing really well in school, he loves it a lot. We think he might have a crush on a little girl named Theresita. You can see her in the first entry I wrote, she's the girl standing behind him in line on his first day of school. Everyday he comes home saying something about her. Like today I asked him if Theresita spoke English or Spanish, he said she spoke English, but he really liked it when she spoke Spanish. And he made it a point to tell me she had new earrings on today and that he liked them. They sit next to each other at their little table, so it could be that he just notices things, but it's so funny the way he get's when he talks about her. He always has the biggest smile on his face and his ears turn a little red. So that's pretty much what's going on in the life of the Farley's. Hopefully we'll get a little more exciting this week.

Monday, September 17, 2007
Sweetie pies

When we found out we were moving to Washington one of the things I was really excited about was having a garden, especially since everything grows so easily out here. Well I got my wish on Mother's Day, Ash and the kids took me to Home Depot to pick out a ton of new plants. I was really excited and now I have something beautiful I can see right out my kitchen window. There isn't a picture of my garden because there are a lot of weeds in it right now, so once I pull those I'll let you see it. But anyways I grew these sweetpeas from seeds and planted some in my garden and in this planter we have out back. Tatum wanted to help me plant them so I would dig the holes and she would put them in and pack the dirt around them. We would watch them get bigger and bigger and finally she looked out one day and saw that they had blooms on them. She came running up to me with the biggest smile and said that our sweetie pies had flowers on them. Isn't it funny what kids say sometimes? So this is Tatum with the sweetie pies she planted. Isn't she beautiful? She is getting so mature I have to remember that she's only four sometimes. She's definitely mommy's little helper and such a worry wart. She asks me if I locked the front and back doors when we leave and she's always making sure that everyone's safe. If one of the younger ones strays just a little she's after them like a mama bear after her cubs. She's funny but she's my little sweetie pie.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Avery's Birthday and The Company Picnic

So it's been a busy couple of days, yesterday was Avery's birthday and I can't believe she's three already. I made cupcakes and the girls decorated them, they turned out pretty cute and were tasty to boot! I know, I know I'm a nerd but I couldn't resist. But as you can s

Thursday, September 13, 2007

I know for some time now I have been saying that I was going to start a blog, so no more excuses here it is. I'm going to add a family pic as soon as I can get us all together, which might not happen seeing how it is impossible to get everyone to look at the camera at the same time. This morning as we were getting ready to take Prestin to school I was surprised to see a blanket of fog, luckily we are only two blocks

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