Well at least I know that my blog is being read by people because I've been hearing from everyone that I need to update it.(lol) Sorry it's been so long, here it goes, we've been registering the kids for school. Prestin will be in first grade this year and Tatum is going into Kindergarten. Prestin will have Mrs. Haight(pronounced hate)but she seems to be a very nice lady and Tatum we still don't know which teacher she will be having, they still had some last minute details to finish. So anyways the last two nights have been orientation nights for both kids and I've been school shopping for all the many supplies that the kids will need. It was fun but it makes me wonder what does the school provide? I had to buy for Tatum alone, 18 glue sticks! That's a lot of stinking glue sticks! So anyways I'll get over my shock soon, we've also been getting over a flu bug, except for Ash, it seems to have a hold on him pretty good. Ainsley is walking everywhere now and getting into everything, she's actually been walking for over a month and a half, but you didn't know that because I haven't posted for awhile.(hee hee) The kids have been wild lately, especially Madi, she's been keeping me on my toes a lot! In one week she drew on the wall and door with a pen(thank God for those Mr. Clean sponges),

got into my nail polish,

and got a hold of my camera.

It must have been after lunch or something because her face is a mess! I've also been cleaning out my house from top to bottom, I've already gotten rid of eight garbage bags full of stuff and I haven't even gone through my room yet. But I feel so much lighter now that I've cleaned up a bit. This past week we celebrated Prestin's 7th birthday, we had Ash's company picnic at Wild Waves and it happened to be on Prestin's birthday so we decided to have a little party the following Saturday with some friends and let him have a friend sleep over. Prestin's really into Spiderman so we made one cake for his actual birthday and a second for his party. They turned out pretty cute, Ash is great at webbing cakes!

I also had a birthday and Ash bought me another beautiful cake from the bakery at our grocery store. In the very center was a cup made of chocolate, filled with a chocolate mousse, and topped with raspberries, blueberries and strawberries. I have to say that I was in birthday bliss, things like that make me so happy. That saying "pretty please,with a cherry on top" is so true with me,just adding that extra little touch or putting forth that extra bit of effort means so much to me.

On my birthday Ainsley decided to make the day a little more exciting by bumping her mouth and causing the skin that attaches her top lip to her gums to tear, one of her top teeth to be shoved up into her gums and one of her bottom teeth to puncture her top gums. Needless to say it was a bloody mess, when the bleeding stopped I was able to look and see the tear, but something didn't look right to me. It turns out that her tooth was a little higher than usual, so I took her to the dentist. He said to keep an eye on it, but more than likely it would fall back into place because she is so young. And that the skin would heal itself, so she looks fine and is as happy as ever.

So anyways that's all for now, but like always I'll leave you with some silly pics of my kids. Like this one of Madi, how do kids fall asleep like that?